Art at Watershed

Scholastic Art Awards & Watershed's Artists

The next time you visit the Denver Art Museum or 40 West Gallery, you may recognize the names of more than one artist! Currently displayed amongst each location is a collection of impressive and original works by two of Watershed’s own artists: Zora Eckert ‘24 and Calvin Boal ‘26, both of whose submissions were recently selected among thousands of Colorado teens to receive several Scholastic Art Awards!

Building Community with Birdhouses

“One thing that was special about this experience was that we all got to collaborate together on one piece, which isn’t something I had ever done in art. It was my first time working with mosaics, and it was cool to work together as a class on a large project like this.”

Finding Empathy Through Graphic Storytelling

“The potential for multiple layers of empathy is an exciting aspect of this course and this project. I empathize whenever I read or hear someone else’s story, but that feeling only expands when I work to honestly adapt that story into a graphic format…”